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Jointly Code

How to use the feature, Jointly-Code in Troop Messenger?

Step 1 :

Note: Two or more programmers can work jointly on the same code editor when they share a one-to-one or a group call. They can collaborate for writing or editing.

Click Calling as indicated by the arrow in the figure below.

The one-to-one calling window opens.

Step 2 :

Click Jointly Code as indicated by the arrow in the figure below.

The Jointly Code editor opens.

Step 3 :

Click Language drop-down arrow as indicated by the arrow in the figure below.

A drop-down menu opens.

Step 4 :

Select your preferred programming language.

Step 5 :

Start writing together on the code editor.

Step 6 :

Click Cancel to exit Jointly Code editor.

Step 7 :

To Change Theme of the jointly code editor:

Click Theme as indicated by the arrow in the figure below.

A drop-down menu opens.

Step 8 :

Select Theme.

Find the applied changes on the jointly code editor.

The blue colored arrows used in the figures are not part of Troop Messengers user interface. Used them for representational purpose only.
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