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How to use Forkout?

Step 1 :

Select the user from the participants list.

You will be directed to your selected user’s chat window.

Step 2 :

To send a text message/attachment to multiple numbers of users/groups at a single point in time.

Click on  to enable Forkout feature, as directed by the arrow from the figure below.

The Forkout icon turns red once it is enabled.

A pop-up menu appears on the chat window with a search filter.

Step 3 :

Select the users/groups by typing the name in the search bar, as directed by the arrow, as shown in the figure below.


Forkout is being succesfully enabled. You can see the number count of the selected users and groups, as directed by the arrow in the figure below.

Step 4 :

Enable or Disable the Fork out marker as per your need, as shown by the arrow in the figure below.

When enabled, the message/attachment that was forked out will have a Fork Out icon indicator shown in it. 

Step 5 :

Now enter the text message/attach a file.



Note: You can type the text message/select the attachment and enable Forkout, or can do the vice versa.

Step 6 :

Click  to send text/attachment.


You can see the text messages that were received by the selected multiple recipients and by multiple groups, as indicated by the arrow from the above figure.


The blue rectangular box and the blue arrows shown in Figures are not part of the Troop Messenger’s UI. Used it for representational purpose only.

How to use Forkout?

Step 1 :

Click on the  symbol to see the feature Forkout as directed by the arrow, as shown from the figure below.

Forkout Description

Step 2 :

Click on the Forkout icon to enable feature functionality as directed by the arrow from the figure below.

Forkout Description

A window appears with the tabs of Recent, Favourites, Groups and Users as shown in the figure below.

Forkout Description

Step 3 :

To send a text message to multiple users or multiple groups at a single point of time:

Choose users or groups randomly by selecting the checkboxes; from the options of either Recent, or Favourites, or Groups and Users, by scrolling down the list, as shown in the figure below.

Forkout Description

The window shows the checkboxes of selected users and groups with a tick mark.

Step 4 :

Click Back as directed by the figure below.

Forkout Description

Step 5 :

Now enter the text

Forkout Description

Step 6 :

Click  to send text.

Forkout Description

You can see the text messages, received by the selected multiple recipients and by multiple groups, as indicated by the arrow from the above figure.

The blue rectangular box and the blue arrows shown in Figures are not part of the Troop Messenger’s user interface. Used it for representational purpose only.
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