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Orange Member

How to set permissions for an Orange Member?

Step 1 :

Click on Admin Dashboard as directed by the arrow as shown from the figure below.

You will be directed to your Troop Messenger’s Admin Page.

Step 2 :

Click Controls as directed by the arrow from the figure below.

You are taken to the Controls Window.

Step 3 :

Select Orange Member from the feature-list (or) Type Orange Member in the search bar as directed by the arrows from the figure below.

You will be taken to Orange Members page as shown below.

Step 4 :

The different scenarios to set permissions on Orange Members are explained as follows:

1. Default Permission:

All Orange Members can chat with All Users of the application+All Orange Users.

2. Scenario:

Applying Permissions to individual Orange Member.

Click Save as directed by the arrow from the below figure.