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Orange Member

How to make a non-employee, vendor or customer as an Orange Member?

Step 1 :

Note: The Admin of the Troop Messenger application has the privileges to add a non-company employee, vendor or customer as an Orange Member.

Type in any of your browsers. Click Login as directed by the arrow from the figure below.

Non employee as an Orange Member

Step 2 :

Login to the application with your Troop Messenger Admin Credentials as shown from the below figure.

Non employee as an Orange Member description

You are taken to the Troop Messenger page.

Step 3 :

Click on Admin Dashboard as directed by the arrow as shown from the figure below.

You will be directed to your Troop Messenger’s Admin Page.

Step 4 :

Click on Users tab from the dashboard, as directed by the arrow as shown from the figure below.

You are taken to the Users information window, as shown in the figure below:

Note: This window gives you the complete information of your organization’s total users list with their respective business details.

Step 5 :

Click on ADD USER, to add a new Orange Member.

An ADD USER page is opened as shown in the figure below.