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Chat Supportive Actions

Each chat conversation in this messenger for business is supported by the following chat supportive actions to ease team communication and collaboration. When you right-click on any message, you would get a menu of chat supportive actions such as Reply, Forward, Copy, Edit, Delete, Recall, Flag, Respond Later, and Info. {Alternatively, you can hover on each chat message to find a small drop-down arrow icon. Click on it for the same chat suggestive menu}.

Each chat message can be replied to with the encapsulated received message.

  • Click on the drop-down arrow
  • Select Reply option
  • Enter your reply and send.

Forward enables you to resend the received or a sent message to the selected multiple individual participants or Groups in one single go. You can select either one or a combination of multiple chat messages like text files, URLs, text conversations, images, and videos while forwarding the messages,

  • Hover the mouse on any chat message.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select Forward.
  • Choose the checkboxes of the message which have to be forwarded.
  • Click on FRWD(forward) at the top right corner of the chat window.
  • Select the users and groups from the “Forward to” pop-up window, or you can even use the search functionality to further trim down your selection process.
  • Click send.

This action enables the user to copy the sent or received chat message. The copied message can be resent to the team member/user of the application.

  • Hover the mouse on any chat message.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select Copy.
  • Choose the checkboxes of the messages which have to be copied.
  • Click on Copy at the top right corner of the chat window. Your message is copied.
  • Right-Click your mouse/Press Ctrl + V on the chat type area, to paste the copied message.
  • Click Send.

This action enables the user to delete the sent or received chat message. The message gets permanently deleted only at your end, and it remains active at the receiver end.

  • Hover the mouse on any chat message.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select Delete.
  • Choose the checkboxes of the messages which need to get deleted.
  • Click on DEL at the top right corner of the chat window.
  • Click YES on the confirmation Pop-up Window. Your selected messages get deleted.

The Recall action helps the application user to delete the message at both ends (Sender and Receiver) permanently. The sent message can be recalled from 1:1 chat as well as a group chat window. In a scenario, if the user messages in the wrong window, then it can be recalled(deleted) immediately using this action.

  • Hover the mouse on any sent chat message.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select Recall.
  • Choose the checkboxes of the messages which need to be recalled.
  • Click on RECALL at the top right corner of the chat window.
  • Click YES on the confirmation Pop-up Window. Your message is recalled.

Note: This action can be performed only on the sent messages within a timeline of ten minutes. Once the time exceeds more than 10 minutes on the sent message, the recall action will be shown inactive to the sender in the drop-down arrow icon.

The Info action gives information about each sent and received chat message. When the user clicks on this action, he/she can check the read and delivered the time of the selected message.

  • Hover the mouse on any chat message.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select Info. A pop-up window opens.
  • Check message read and delivered time.
  • Click close.

Flag those sent/received messages which you feel are important.

How it goes:

  • Find the feature Flag in the message right-clicks menu to flag the selected message.
  • You can unflag the flagged message from the same message right-click menu.
  • You can filter the flagged messages from the advanced filter group and bring them all to one place.

Respond Later

  • Tag the received message with Respond Later to reply in your leisure time.
  • Tag Respond Later to the received messages.
  • You will see a dotted red-colored circle tagged to the message.
  • To reply to the tagged Respond Later messages, you can scroll up/down on the chat window, or filter the tagged Respond Later messages by clicking on the Respond Later filter icon from the Advanced Filter Group or chat area filters.
  • Once you reply to the tagged Respond Later Messages, the red-colored circle that was tagged to the message gets auto-cleared.
    Or, you can manually clear the Respond Later tag from the message right-click menu when you no longer feel the necessity of replying to the tagged Respond Later message.
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