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blogs Applicable Strategies for Effective Team Management

Applicable Strategies for Effective Team Management

Asloob Alam

Others may choose to see the manager or team leader's job as a position of power, but it is a responsibility that requires you to manage your team while meeting the company's and team's expectations.


Managing a team requires multi-tasking, where you have to deal with a different set of psychologies and motivate them to work together toward a common goal.

Strategies for Effective Team Management

Do you feel managing a team is the most complicated task? If so, some strategies are mentioned below that not only change your opinion but will also help you increase team productivity.

1. Communication

Communication plays an important role in the success of any industry. You should be in a position to communicate the company’s work standards, vision, timeline, and other relevant information so that you and your team are on the same page in working towards the common goals.


Your team members may require your level of expert guidance in some cases but if they continue to work on suggestions from your subordinates in being hesitant to contact you, it will impact the end outcome. Hence, be cordial with your team, so that they can contact you for any queries.


In this pandemic period, you may not be in a position to communicate with your team as effectively as in pre-pandemic but still using the best team communication tools like Troop Messenger you can make group or one on one video calls.


Make sure you schedule a group video call with your team every day, preferably at the end of your working day, to review work status, learn about their queries, plan and create the timeline, and so on. It works better than an audio call since it allows them to sense your presence in these remote working conditions.

2. Assigning the Tasks

As a manager or team leader, you must know your team’s capabilities. Which tasks do they excel at, and which do they require assistance with?


Assign tasks to your team members based on their abilities, along with some additional responsibilities that will aid them in development. If you can't provide sufficient help, better don't cross-assign the task to your team member and expect them to perform it as per the timeline.


Discuss expectations with your team along with the timeline of the project while assigning the tasks, these will help them in improving their skills.

3. Team Collaboration

In some instances, work may become too demanding, so despite assigning the tasks to your team, let them work collaboratively even if it means running errands, yet hold the assignees responsible for the tasks.


Collaboration encourages the entire team to work together on a task, and it promotes a work culture in which everyone will be engaged in contributing their skills and ideas that can help them become more educated about tasks to a different extent, which they cannot do by confining themselves to their given responsibilities.

4. Team Building Events

Your job doesn’t end with giving instructions, project planning, tracking the work status, and so on, team building activities are equally important., as it is also important to keep your team motivated.


Create some fun activities that will improve team collaboration and communication between team members.


You can use such events to help your team resolve problems on a personal level. Whenever your project succeeds, celebrate it as the team's collective achievement, and acknowledge every team member’s effort.


You may think that team-building activities wouldn’t be possible in remote work, but using Troop Messenger, a few companies are celebrating events such as fun interactive polls, announcing employee of the month, and so on. You can use such reliable team communication tools to increase team productivity in remote work too.

5. Feedback

Giving feedback to team members is one of the most effective strategies for not only helping them to improve their abilities but also it increases team productivity.


No team is perfect, you have to make it perfect. Some team members may not perform as well as their peers, so giving them well-constructed feedback will encourage them to work on their skills and be generous in helping them when it is required.


Find the reasons to appreciate your team members, which will boost their spirit. Remember to criticize in person, and appreciate in public.

6. Be the role model

Your team draws energy from you, so your team can be as good as you. A manager or a team leader needs to be righteous.


Don’t make favorites, even if you don't show them, it will sabotage the team spirit.


Such a position bound you to the standards, and you must adhere to them. If you stray from the standards, you may instruct your team to follow them, but such actions will make you appear hypocritical in front of your team, so you can’t afford to deviate from them.


Certainly, the position made you a manager allotting the powers but try to be a leader. Be empathetic towards your team, they should aim to become a manager like you.


Hope the strategies mentioned above will assist you in managing your team and increasing team productivity, which can be used in both office and remote work environments.


Be advised to use team communication tools like Troop Messenger because giving your team the best tools will certainly help you communicate seamlessly and manage your team more efficiently.

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